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Relative Positioning - Roles in a Team Composition (Fundamentals)

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Relative Positioning - Roles in a Team Composition (Fundamentals) Empty Relative Positioning - Roles in a Team Composition (Fundamentals)

Post by Kine² 2018-04-25, 04:31


1. Relative positioning means relative to everyone else on YOUR team.
- frontline heroes function up front where the clash happens
- backline heroes work better when there are others in-front of them
- a few heroes are best placed in the middle of everyone else
- flankers typically operate opposite your team or off at an angle if that's the only viable option

2. Majority of heroes are multi role.
- There is the default positioning that most people expect out of a hero
- But they can still place themselves in alternate positions when the situation calls for it
- 99% when a hero plays out of their natural position, their role on the team CHANGES
- 99% of the time, playing out of your natural position is the WRONG thing to do
- That 1% of the time when it is the right thing to do, it is because:

your shot caller made the call, your ult needs you to go out of position OR you are trying to counter something specific. Being the special one who plays out of position constantly is not the thing to do.


- Reinhart
- Zarya
- Brigitte
- Orisa

Brigitte needs to hit enemies in order to produce sustain aura. Orisa and Rein are your anchor shield tanks. Zarya needs to farm and maintain energy.

- McCree
- Ana
- Zen
- Widowmaker

Backline heroes are ones who will immediately evaporate should they ever step up.
In order to operate, they need others on their team to draw aggro away from them.

- DVa
- Moira
- Lucio
- Roadhog

There are numerous different reasons why mid heroes stay in the middle of the pack.
Moira deals piercing AoE heals so staying in the middle and wiggling his mouse around works best
Being in the middle also maximizes his right click which is both her recharge mechanic and a zoning tool against flankers.
Lucio pumps out AoE beats around him.
DVa blocking for team-mates is arguably more important than blocking for self preservation.
Roadhog is by all means a frontliner but is best starting off in the middle due to meta.
He is an ult battery for the enemy thus staying behind shields and letting a main tank soak aggro is efficient
Hog's hook benefit from more value the further you displace your target. Being behind frontline does that.

- Tracer
- Genji
- Sombra
- Pharah

This needs to be said because too many flankers do not grasp the concept yet.
FLANKERS have relative positioning to their own team but it isn't just geographical but also TIMING.
It's a long topic but I'll give one case study to illustrate the point because it is important.

Lets say there is a choke your team decides to push thru.
Without a flanker, 100% of all enemy resources will be dumped on you as soon as your team moves in.
You may or may not survive that push but by principle this isn't something you want happen.

If you had a flanker however (say a Tracer) who jumps the enemy backline a few seconds before your team calls to push out there is a large probability that the enemy will NOT dump 100% of their resources on your main formation as you walk through choke because they were distracted by the Tracer.

Note the 'a few seconds before' statement.

It is a timing component.

What I tend to see happen in soloQ ranked and QP are flankers going either too late or too early. Usually too late. When they go in too late, the enemy is already dumping 100% of their resources on the friendly team. 3 blues would have died about the same time as the Tracer getting 2 picks on the side and then the Tracer shouting at his team "WTF happened I got picks guys! Push up! You scrubs are trash!"

Too early also happens now and again. Usually with the flanker dying going 1v5 and blaming the team for not following up or not creating space etc.

So flankers have relative positioning.
You want to initiate from a different angle than where your main formation is coming from to pull aggro the best you can. AND you want to time it with your team so that your actions can actually benefit the team as a whole.
Eternal Creed Member

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Relative Positioning - Roles in a Team Composition (Fundamentals) Empty Re: Relative Positioning - Roles in a Team Composition (Fundamentals)

Post by Kine² 2018-04-25, 04:41

ROLES dictated by Relative Positioning

Where you are on your team positioning ADDS additional duties ON TOP of your natural hero roles.
Understand this and you will jump ahead of the QP curve by miles.

1. Chooses WHERE fights happen
2. Decides WHAT type of fight it's going to be

1. Number one job as backline is to NOT DIE
2. Support all decisions made by Frontline
3. Give feedback to Frontline (including Tempo calls)

1. Keep backline alive
2. Add value to frontline
3. Manage tempo of the team


1. Enforce and Support team tempo
2. Reduce enemy efficiency
3. Punish positional mistakes

WHAT IS TEMPO in Overwatch ?

Fights can and often do happen in phases.
Pre-Fight > Rotation and/or Poke > Initial clash or Feints > Full engage > Cleanup or Resets

Stages can be skipped. eg. A team can decide to hard commit after a quick reset sans foreplay

Tempo is the pace of transition between phases. Or the decision to skip a phase or even back up and redo a previous phase.


The number one application when understanding the different jobs on a team is in TROUBLE SHOOTING and TWEAKING.

When things don't work out as expected you first go through a quick TROUBLESHOOTING phase on comms. The thing you want to clarify first is where on the chain of events or responsibility did things break. Then you TWEAK to fix it.

Biggest hurdle all teams suffer from is incorrect shot calling and assesment of events. And most often because players or whoever is talking out of his ass does not understand team roles.

Lets do practical examples:

Scenario One wrote:Reinhart screams "3-2-1 GO!" Charges in, some people on your team dies while he was charging, half the team follows Reinhart in, the other half didn't. Reinhart player dies and shits on his team while waiting to respawn. Team gets wiped in the meantime.

This one is easy. Reinhart is frontline. He decides where to go, whether or not to rotate or is current angle of attack is fine, what kind of fight it's going to be. etc.
What Reinhart IS NOT in charge of is tempo.

Backline and or Mid does.

There is a simple reason for this. Frontline has no vision of his own team and cannot accurately gauge readiness. Backline has the best view of his entire team. Not Reinhart.
Reinhart or any Frontliner for that matter have time nor head space to spare tabbing at ult %

Backline are usually not under time or any kind of pressure. Backline are in a position to make better calls.

Mid MANAGES tempo because they are the link between Front and Back. If Front has engaged but Back is being dove on, backline may not have the mental resources to make any sort of call other than scream "HELP ME Peel Peel Peel!" Mid controls how long a phase last and if the team is ready to take things to the next level.

Once a phase is set, flankers must support that decision.

In this case if I was a mid or back player all I will tell the Reinhart is
"Dude pick where to go, I TELL YOU WHEN TO GO"

Game fixed.

Scenario Two wrote:KotH. 1st Round. Red Tracer keeps killing our Zen and (noob) Moira. Frontline keeps pushing for first half of the match. Gets frustrated not getting heals, starts baby sitting Zen to make sure he stays alive. As a consequence blue team hardly ever pushes for point. DPS gets bored throughout all this, randomly shoots at random targets. Common thing to see.


Healers keep dying.
1. Zen is backline it is his job not to die
2. Moira is mid it is his job to keep Zen alive
Both things are not happening.
This is SoloQ Ranked, people will not swap heroes. You are playing Zarya.

Here you have options:

1. Pick Mercy in round 2 draft phase and pressure either Moira or Zen to play tank.
If Moira swaps out, you re-pick Moira and do a better job as Zen peel and anti-flanker zoning
If Zen swaps out, stay Mercy and play a mid role. Things should be fixed.

2. If neither wants to swap, you need to switch out from Frontline tank Zarya and go Mid tank
DVa / Winston / Hog. Whichever complements your 1st tank. Here you pay extra attention to your healers rather than tanking but try to fulfil tank role whenever possible. Not the best but enough to change the status quo.

3. Tweak your DPS.
McCree is backline. Soldier is mid or backline depending on comp. If you are running twin flankers you could get one of them to switch out and pick McCree / Soldier for bodyguard duty. If you already have a McCree or Soldier then that means they are out of relative position. Fuck them hard for not playing with their backline OR get them to go twin flankers while you play Nanny Mid tank  to make up for the lost pressure on the frontline (as in option 2 above).


In the ideal world, all players on your team understand team roles on top of just class roles.
That utopia does not exist below a certain SR threshold.

The upside is, only one player needs to know it and the rest cooperative enough to listen.


Here's the other thing and the reason behind my motto "Make Any Comp Work"

The more you play Overwatch with relative positioning in mind the more you realize there's usually multiple fixes for any single break in the chain of events.

Take Scenario 2 for example. DPS don't wanna swap. Healers don't wanna swap. But your SINGLE swap from frontline tank to mid tank fixes 50% of the problem. Tweaking the other 50% isn't such a huge deal.

Any obstacle in Overwatch can often be tweaked multiple ways. All it takes is experience, an unbiased mind and creativity in problem solving. If you've got charm and an assertive voice to top all that off, that's even better.




Last edited by Kine² on 2018-04-25, 05:53; edited 2 times in total
Eternal Creed Member

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Relative Positioning - Roles in a Team Composition (Fundamentals) Empty Re: Relative Positioning - Roles in a Team Composition (Fundamentals)

Post by Kine² 2018-04-25, 05:13

Mid when shielded / Backline without shields


Mid when shielded / Flanker without shields

Frontline and Mid


Flanker - Archetype of the Flanker role


Backline and Flanker

Backline - Archetype of backline squishy.


BASTION / MEI / SOMBRA ~ maybe someday I might know enough about them and how they relate to the team. Right now I know their niche roles but can't say anything definitive how they fit bigger picture.

DOOMFIST ~ no fucking idea how he works.

:SUMMARY on DPS Relative Positioning:

- Backline DPS is there to dominate sightlines and force enemies to contest that dominance once you have it.
- Dominating sightlines mean you deny your enemy the ability to function over areas you have vision over. ie they have to hide from you. This wins you territory and makes your Frontline's job easier because they no longer have to contest for space as hard coz you won it for them by yourself as Backline.
- Exception is Backline McCree. Staying alive and showing up when the clash happens is more important than contesting sight lines due to falloff nerf. If you feel this downtime is rather pointless then that answers why he's fallen out of meta right now. This is also why McCree comps favor rushing tanks and fast team fights skipping poke or even rotations sometimes. It is an attempt to reduce downtime.
- Backline benefits from pocketing and have the right to ask for it.
- Backline dominance can force out enemies to contest you. Peeling required.
- Forcing out backline contest is a benefit to your team. If enemy invest in contesting your backline, they are not spending as much resources to enforce their Frontline. This means your Frontline gets an easy time. In practical terms, if you established dominance in backline that overlooks a capture point or payload, enemy needs to invest resources to dislodge you from the backline instead of playing the map objective.
- Next time you play Mid tank or healer in QP and recognize your backlining DPS receiving high amounts of attention from the enemy, be a pal and heal or peel. He is playing his position correctly and contributing.
- Difference between a Backline DPS and a rando Frontliner is that Backline respects his Frontline's decisions on where to engage and what type of engagement it is. Main tanks cannot poke for example. So if a DPS is off doing his own thing while main tanks were expecting poke, your team is just basically waiting for nothing to happen lol.
- Reaper and Junkrat are the only ones who can Frontline effectively. They are the only ones who can say this is where I want to fight and enforce it. If you spot other DPS heroes trying to do this in your games ANYONE on the team has the right to tell them to get the fuck back in line and respect their Frontline.

- Mid DPS typically plays the BODYGUARD role.
- Constantly looking back at your healers and protecting them can be a full time job that wins games.
- Nanny McCree or Nanny 76 is an actual thing.
- If your team isn't getting nearly enough heals, 99% of the time it isn't because your healers are shit. It is because they are under pressure. This is why Mid DPS exists.
- It is astounding to hear DPS players complain about healers when all it takes is a mental shift from backlining to going mid which solves everything.
- When playing DPS that have alternate or natural Mid roles and you whine about healers, uninstall Overwatch.
- Mid Hanzo is the exception for nanny duty. It is an unrealistic expectation given his kit. Utility mid heroes are more concerned about helping out Frontline to dominate.
- To make matters clear, correct relative positioning for mid players mean you do not take incoming damage. Frontline typically take poke and forward pressure. Backline typically take dive damage. Mid is often the position that receives the least of any kind. If you do while taking up a mid role, your positioning is off.

- There is a difference between going behind the enemy doing random shit and FLANKING EFFECTIVELY
- Effective flanking takes TIMING into consideration as well as making picks that matters WHEN it matters the most.
- Simply going around the back and getting kills don't help the team all that much all the time. Yes sometimes it helps but that is entirely by chance. You need to make the right picks at the right time and respecting your Frontline's decisions on the where and what.

- Frontline Reaper fights with his frontline. Ideal positioning is where enemies need to kill one of your tanks in order to kill you. If you die while the rest of your Frontline is alive and well, then you have just fucked up.
- Frontline Junkrat is independently taking care of one attack route on his own. He is able to do this because of his kit and megapack geography. This allows a Junk comp the ability to apply Frontline pressure on two separate locations while a typical enemy comp can only man one attack route.
- ANY OTHER DPS PLAYERS trying to dictate where fights happen and what kind of engagement it's going to be is just trash waiting for verbal sex from you asking them to back the fuck down and respect the frontline.

- The singular best thing you can do as a DPS in ranked games is to ask first your Tanks and then other Frontliners how they plan to engage.
- Let them come up with the plan and you playing off that.
- Keep asking for plan updates whenever you feel the status quo has changed and see if you need to switch between natural or alternate roles.
- DO NOT over-react by counter picking as first resort when things are not going well.
- Alot of times simply switching around relative positioning between players is good enough to fix things whilst maintaining ult economy.
Eternal Creed Member

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